Slice the Pie

I’ll admit it – I’m a math geek. I think of math like poetry. The beauty of math is not in its practicality; rather the opposite. The number system is complex and theoretical, and learning about it stretches our brains in ways most things don’t. But to appreciate math, you need to master the basics… Continue reading Slice the Pie

Categorized as Math

Back to high school

My parents bought me an Apple IIe computer when I was in high school. It came with an Apple BASIC language reference manual. That was all I needed to start coding and I was hooked from there. In fact, if someone my age wanted to learn to code, self-learning was about the only option you… Continue reading Back to high school


Measuring what matters

Like many startup businesses, Shipa Freight has a north star metric. Ours is bookings. It’s a simple growth metric and very much correlated with our financial performance. However we’ve found this metric alone doesn’t give us a true sense of the day to day health or the long-term sustainability of our business. And if our… Continue reading Measuring what matters

Categorized as Data

What is knowledge management?

Knowledge management became a hot topic in the late 1990’s as large companies struggled to leverage the intellectual capital within their walls. They found that despite having deep knowledge across the organization, it was hard to tap that expertise when needed, teams were constantly reinventing the wheel, and knowledge often walked out the door. Knowledge-heavy… Continue reading What is knowledge management?